The VERAM project aims to include all relevant aspects of non-food, non-energy raw materials related research and innovation. It challenges the current compartmentalisation into scientific disciplines and fragmentation into industry sectors to increase synergies and facilitate uptake of research results
The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership invites stakeholders to shape the…
The new Construction Products Regulation (CPR) has been publised in the EU Official…
ECTP is pleased to welcome the ArchEnerg International Innovative Cluster for Renewable…
You can search the ECTP Members per country and per category in the Organisation database.
Download the M&S Committee Position Paper here.
ECTP was launched by the construction sector in October 2004 to develop new R&D&I strategies to improve competitiveness, meet societal needs and take up environmental challenges. It gathers more than 150 Member organisations from the whole supply chain of the Built Environment.
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1000 Brussels